| 0417 Information and Communication Technology Past Paper Resources
Paper 1 Topic Questions and Mark Schemes / Topic 11 File Management
  • 11-IGCSE-File-management-Mark-Scheme-Paper-1-Set-1.pdf
  • 11-IGCSE-File-management-Mark-Scheme-Paper-1-Set-2.pdf
  • 11-IGCSE-File-management-Mark-Scheme-Paper-1-Set-3.pdf
  • 11-IGCSE-File-management-Topic-Questions-Paper-1-Set-1.pdf
  • 11-IGCSE-File-management-Topic-Questions-Paper-1-Set-2.pdf
  • 11-IGCSE-File-management-Topic-Questions-Paper-1-Set-3.pdf

The following topics are included:

11.1 Manage files effectively

Candidates should be able to: Manage files Notes and Guidance Locate stored files Open and import files of different types Save files in a planned hierarchical directory/folder structure Save files using appropriate file names Save and print files in a variety of formats including a document, screenshots, database reports, data tables, graphs/charts, a web page in browser view, a web page in HTML view Save and export in the file format of an application package including .docx, .doc, .xlsx, .xls, .sdb, .sdc, .accdb .odb, .rtf, .pptx, .ppt Save and export in a generic file format including .csv, .txt, .rtf, .pdf, .css, .htm, .jpg, .png Candidates should know and understand: File formats Characteristics and uses of file formats including css, csv, gif, htm, jpg, pdf, png, rtf, txt, zip, rar The need for generic file formats

11.2 Reduce file sizes for storage or transmission Candidates should be able to: Compress files Notes and Guidance Reduce file sizes for storage or transmission where necessary using file compression including .zip, .rar Candidates should know and understand: File compression The need to reduce file sizes for storage or transmission