| 0610 IGCSE Biology
IGCSE Biology Revision Notes for 2023/2024 /2025/2026/2027 examinations / 1-Characteristics and classification of living organisms-2023-2025-exams
  • 1.1-Characteristics-of-living-organisms.pdf
  • 1.2-Concept-and-uses-of-classification-systems.pdf
  • 1.3-Features-of-organisms.pdf

IGCSE Biology Revision Notes Characteristics and Classification of living organism

Dear Students,

  • These study notes are specially  designed for  students who will be appearing for  the IGCSE Biology 2023 /2024 and 2025 examinations.
  • The IGCSE Biology Revision Notes Section  has been specially recreated for 2023 to 2025 examinations. This is because there are a large number of changes that have been done to the syllabus , which at a student's level, might be difficult to understand, And hence providing you with the  study notes for  the lower years  will be incorrect.  So keeping both Revision Notes section separate will ensure that students for all years, whether 2021/2022/2023/2024 or 2025; all will learn  using the correct vocab and in the prescribed manner.
  • Also students are requested to write the definitions only by referring to the definitions given in our  syllabus section.  This we are specifically telling you because, when syllabus changes occur, key changes are also made to the various definitions, Hence, even if the earlier marking schemes have suggested a particular definition, see that you learn the exact vocabulary for your updated  syllabus.. Hence when you choose to  refer to the mark schemes, please remember to also refer to the prescribed syllabus. Doing this will get you closer to your highest exam scores.

Best Wishes,

Team ,

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