IGCSE Past Papers English Paper 2
What's included in your membership:
- This membership allows you access to 0500 IGCSE English Topic Questions and Mark Schemes for Paper 2
- Revision Notes have been included
- Resources are valid for all exams from 2024 to 2026
- Sample solved Past Exam Paper 2 has been included.[ At the moment one solved paper]
- Descriptive Composition-Completely Solved [ 16 compositions]
Complementary Resources:
- Sample IGCSE English Solved Papers for Paper 2
- Syllabus copies
- Language Skill Section : This section is specially designed to strengthen your writing skills.
- We are in the process of adding solved past papers and more notes for English Paper 2
- The solutions to questions and notes are the suggestions by our language experts and we will not get into any sort of discussion/argument with any website member in case there exist difference of opinion with regards to the same. In languages, the opinions are bound to differ between individuals unlike Math and Science.
- All the above resources are online. All pdfs are downloadable and printable There is nothing that our website will courier (ship ) to any member, paid or free.
Queries before Purchase?
- Kindly note that there are no refunds. Hence If you have queries before purchase please email: [email protected]
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