IGCSE Past Papers Hindi Topic Questions 0549/Paper 1 [ 2024/2025/2026 Exams]
Resource Contents:
- IGCSE Hindi Paper 1 Topic Questions and Mark Schemes for Short answers / Multiple Matching / Note-Making /Summary Writing /Functional Prose [ Email] and Extended writing
- IGCSE Hindi Past Paper Topic Questions and Answers for Summary Writing / Short Answers
IGCSE Hindi Syllabus Details:
- Exercise 1 – Short answer questions: candidates read a short text printed in the question paper and answer
a series of questions that test their skimming and gist-reading skills and require short answers of a single word
or phrase. The text will be one of the following types: advertisement, brochure, leaflet, guide, report, manual,
instructions, newspaper/magazine article.
- Exercise 2 – Multiple matching: candidates read a series of short paragraphs followed by a series of
sentences, then match each sentence to one of the paragraphs.
- Exercise 3 – Note-making: candidates read a longer text printed in the question paper and make brief notes
under a number of supplied headings.
- Exercise 4 – Summary: candidates write a paragraph-length summary (of no more than 100 words) about an
aspect or aspects of the text in exercise 3. Candidates should use their own words as far as possible.
- Exercise 5 – Writing exercise: candidates write a short piece of functional prose such as an email, of
approximately 120 words. A stimulus of short prompts and/or pictures will be printed in the question paper. A
purpose, format and audience for the writing will be specified.
- Exercise 6 – Extended writing exercise: candidates write a longer piece of continuous prose, of approximately
200 words. A stimulus of short prompts will be printed in the question paper. A purpose, format and audience
for the writing will be specified.
Paper 1. Completely Solved for Paper code 0549.
- These are answers written by our expert teachers as per the requirements of the Hindi Examination.
- All solutions are strictly written by Cambridge Trained and Experienced Expert Only
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