| 0625-IGCSE-PHYSICS-2023-2024-2025-exams
Unit-4 IGCSE Physics Video Lectures-Electricity and magnetism / 4.3.3 Electrical conductors and insulators
4.3.3 electrical conductors and insulators

IGCSE Physics Videos

  • Topic: Electricity and Magnetism
  • Sub-topic: 4.3.3 Electrical conductors and insulators
  • Complete set of video lessons for IGCSE Physics, topic Electrical conductors and insulators for paid members
  • The entire syllabus is covered through these videos.
  • You can speed up you're learning and start preparing for your Mocks and Boards, much ahead of school.
  • Applicable for 0625 and 0972 (9-1) for 2023 to 2025 Exams

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