IGCSE Physics key definitions thermal physics

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IGCSE Physics Key Definitions For 0625 AND 0972 

Thermal Physics

Syllabus Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to :

  • Define key terms for IGCSE Physics for 0625 and 0972 (9-1)  for thermal physics
  • Understand how marks have been allotted in the examination questions  for defining various quantities
  • Become extremely confident in defining various terms using the correct scientific vocabulary as per the syllabus requirements for thermal physics



2.1 Kinetic particle model of matter

  • Define Brownian motion: It is the random movement of larger particles, due to their collision with faster moving, smaller particles.
  • Define Absolute scale of temperature: A temperature scale, whose 00C  is  equivalent to -273.15 °C (absolute zero) and whose 373.150C is equivalent to 1000C.
  • Define Absolute zero:  Absolute zero is the temperature  at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy. This temperature corresponds to -273.150C on a Celsius temperature scale.
  • State Boyle's law: For a fixed mass of a gas at constant temperature, the volume varies inversely as the pressure. Hence pv=constant; where p=pressure on the gas and v=volume of the gas.

2.2 Thermal properties and temperature

  • Define Thermal expansion: Thermal expansion is the expansion of an object under the influence of heat
  • Define Specific heat capacity:It is the amount of heat energy , needed to raise the temperature of unit mas of a substance through 10C
  • Define Melting point: It is the temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid
  • Define Boiling point: It is the temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas, without a rise in temperature.
  • Define Evaporation: It is the temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas, over a range of temperatures

2.3 Transfer of thermal energy

  • Define Good thermal conductors (bad thermal insulators): Substances that allow the heat energy to flow through them easily are called as good thermal conductors.
  • Define Bad thermal conductors ( good thermal insulators):Substances that do not  allow the heat energy to flow through them easily are called as good thermal insulators.
  • Define Conduction:Conduction is the  the transfer of energy through the movement of particles that are touching  each other.
  • Define Convection:Convection is a process of heat transfer involving density differences within molecules of the same fluid , in which the warmer and less dense portions rise up, while the more dense and the heavier ones sink down.
  • Define Radiation:Radiation refers to the process of  transmission or emission of energy in the form of waves that can travel through vacuum, meaning they do not require any medium.


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Note: All  model solutions are detailed , sums are solved step-by-step  as per the requirements of the mark schemes.

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