Igcse Economics Revision Notes

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IGCSE Economics Revision Notes 2024/2025/2026 Exams



Note : 

  • IGCSE Economics  Notes are available for the latest syllabus for all topics.
  • 0455  and 0987 (9-1) IGCSE students for Cambridge  can study using these  notes 
  • All notes shown in the following preview videos are  available as pdf notes and are completely downloadable and printable to all the members of the IGCSE Economics  Course.
  • These notes are valid for all Cambridge IGCSE Economics Examination for the year 2022/2023/2024/2025 for paper code 0455 and 0987 (9-1)
  • The course purchase will give you access to IGCSE Economics mind maps/ video lectures/topic questions /syllabus copies/Specimen papers/ IGCSE Economics key definitions and  all new resources that will be additionally added from time to time.
  • Membership is available at 0455 IGCSE ECONOMICS | Smart Exam Resources
  • Notes contain many board exam questions solved . These guide you on what should be a part of  your answer.

Revision Notes


 Video 1:Unit 1: The basic Economic Problem 

Video 2: Unit 2 : Allocation of resources       

Video 3 : Unit 3 : Microeconomic Decision Makers 


Free downloadable IGCSE Economics Revision Notes are given below:


1.2-IGCSE-Economcis-Revision-Notes-The factors of production



IGCSE Economics Revision Notes/Study notes/Mind maps/Cheat Sheets

  • Following are the IGCSE Economics Revision Notes  for  syllabus valid for 2024/2025/2026 Exams.
  • You may download and print the notes shown in the  video previews. This facility is available to paid members  of 0455-IGCSE Economcis only
  • The notes are special in that they also guide you into the key points of answering the board exam questions as per the marking scheme. This is a very popular resources when it comes to  Last minute Board Exam Revision, when a day before , you do not have enough time to  read through every single text book page.

Topic 1: The Basic Economic Problem Revision Notes:

 About these notes:

  • The first sub-topic is finite resources and unlimited wants.It includes key points such as the economic problem, reason why it cannot be solved, the nature of the economic problem, the economic and the free good.The data mentioned below is a part of our economic notes

1. The economic problem: It is due to scarcity that there exists a basic economic problem of not being able to satisfy the want's of all people.

2. The economic problem can never be solved because the economic problem is scarcity. As we know the wants are infinite but resources are limited. The wants exceed resources as wants grow faster than resources 


At any given point of time in an economy, output is limited by the resources and the technology available. There is therefore a basic condition of scarcity. On the other hand, the wants of the consumers are infinite or unlimited and the ability of the resources to satisfy those wants however are limited. There is therefore a need to make a choice as a result of this scarcity. This choice will be in terms of what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce.

1. Economic good: An economic good has a benefit to the society.It  is a consumable good that is useful to people but  at the same time scarce in relation to its demand. Also economic goods have a price. Human effort is required to obtain economic goods.Economic goods come with an opportunity cost.Examples of economic goods include:Piped gas,, electricity, cars, mobiles etc.

2. Free good: It is a product that does not require any resources to make it and so does not have an opportunity cost.Example of free goods are: air, water, wind etc.The differences between free goods and economic goods is also mentioned 

The next topic Opportunity Cost  has a set of important key points. These points included are based on the data extracted from IGCSE Past papers, keeping in mind the syllabus requirements.Once again there are board exam  questions, this time multiple choice  questions , including graphical questions have been explained. The idea is to help you to apply the concepts learnt by  you in novel situations. After all that is what IGCSE Economics is all about.

The next topic is The Production Possibility Curve.In this topic , you will come across key points such as movements along the PPC,points above , below and on the PPC, including description of the bow shaped PPC and the straight line PPC.All this followed by Board Exam Questions.

It is better that you refer to the videos for the various topis that five you a quick look at the actual IGCSE Economics Revision Notes. Note that  the notes are revised as and when felt necessary by CAIE.


Topic 2 Allocation of Resources IGCSE Economics Revision Notes 

This topic covers sub-topic such as :Microeconomics and macroeconomics/ The role of markets in allocating resources/Demand Supply/Price determination. More than me telling you , you need to view the adjoining video to understand the layout of these notes. In-fact a video preview will enable you to understand what makes our notes so very popular and in high demand. All credits to our dedicated team, that work hard to get the best resources to you


Topic 3 : Microeconomic decision makers

Sub-topics included are: factors affecting individual choice of occupation/ Wage determination/ Reasons for difference in earnings/ Specialization/Workers/Trade unions./Classification of firms/Small firms/Causes of growth of firms/Mergers/Economies and diseconomies of scale/ Demand for the factors of production/Labour intensive and capital intensive production/Production and productivity/Competitive and monopoly markets. Economics past papers where ever appropriate, giving you hints on what needs to be included as a part of your answers, these notes are an ideal guide for acing your  Sub-topics included are: factors affecting individual choice of occupation/ Wage determination/ Reasons for difference in earnings/ Specialization/Workers/Trade unions./Classification of firms/Small firms/Causes of growth of firms/Mergers/Economies and diseconomies of scale/ Demand for the factors of production/Labour intensive and capital intensive production/Production and productivity/Competitive and monopoly markets. Economics past papers where ever appropriate, giving you hints on what needs to be included as a part of your answers, these notes are an ideal guide for acing your IGCSE's


Note that the IGCSE Economics Revision Notes come free with our website course  membership . This membership includes, superbly segregated IGCSE Past Paper questions topic wise . The distinguishing point here is that we provide questions on the largest number of smaller topics. The following video will guide you on the contents of IGCSE Economics membership. Videos are also being added regularly so that learning new concepts becomes fun and easy too




Exam Tips

1. If the Command word is " Identify", then  you need to only Name / select / recognise and nothing more than that.

2. If the command word is "Define", then ,  simply give precise meaning

3. If the command word is  " Calculate" , then Work out from given facts, figures or information

4.If the command word is " Give" , then you need to  Produce an answer from a given source or recall/ memory

5.If the command word is "Describe", then , State the points of a topic/ give characteristics and main features

6. If the command word is " Explain" , then Set out purposes or reasons/ make the relationships between things evident/ provide why and/ or how and support with relevant evidence

7.If the command word is " Discuss", then, Write about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way

8. If the command word is "Analyse", then Examine in detail to show meaning, identify elements and the relationship between them

9. If the command word is " State" , then Express in clear terms


IGCSE Economics Mind Maps

Sample copies of mind maps that are a part of IGCSE Economics Membership 



The following factors affect the demand of a product:

1. The price of the product

2. Changes in income

3. Price of substitute goods/services

4. Price of complementary goods/services

5.Changes in income

6.Changes in tastes and preferences of customers

So any time, a diagramatic display of learning material sparks an element of interest.

MIND MAP 2: Characteristics of developing economies:


Characteristics of developing economies:

1. Low level of health care

2. Low level of education

3. Low level of savings

4. High rate of population growth

5. Low income per head

6. Low life expectancy

7.High infant mortality rate

8.Low level of capital investment

9.Poor infrastructure

10.Poor housing and sanitation

11.High proportion of workers in the primary sector


Mind map 3: Functions of a commercial bank


Functions of commercial bank:

1.Acceptance of accounts in savings and current accounts

2.Enable customers to make payments

3.Can lend money

4.Provide traveler cheque/Foreign currency

5.Accept deposits of valuables

6.Advice on financial matters

7.Buy/Sell shares for customers

Mind Map 4:  Aims of decision makers




Note: All details mentioned in the mind  maps are a part of mark schemes. Students are requested to carefully study them. These mind maps are a great help from exam point of view and also to develop mastery of concepts other wise


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