IGCSE Physics Notes Forces

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Syllabus Objectives

IGCSE Physics Revision Notes Effects of forces


  • Know that forces may produce changes in the size and shape of an object
  • Sketch, plot and interpret load–extension graphs for an elastic solid and describe the associated experimental procedures
  •  Determine the resultant of two or more forces acting along the same straight line
  • Know that an object either remains at rest or continues in a straight line at constant speed unless acted on by a resultant force
  • State that a resultant force may change the velocity of an object by changing its direction of motion or its speed
  • Describe solid friction as the force between two surfaces that may impede motion and produce heating
  •  Know that friction (drag) acts on an object moving through a liquid
  •  Know that friction (drag) acts on an object moving through a gas (e.g. air resistance)


  • Define the spring constant as force per unit extension; recall and use the equation k = F /x
  • Define and use the term ‘limit of proportionality’ for a load–extension graph and identify this point on the graph (an understanding of the elastic limit is not required)
  •  Recall and use the equation F = ma and know that the force and the acceleration are in the same direction
  •  Describe, qualitatively, motion in a circular path due to a force perpendicular to the motion as:
  • (a) speed increases if force increases, with mass and radius constant
  • (b) radius decreases if force increases, with mass and speed constant
  • (c) an increased mass requires an increased force to keep speed and radius constant (F = mv2 /r is not required)

1.5.2 Turning effect of forces


  • Describe the moment of a force as a measure of its turning effect and give everyday examples
  •  Define the moment of a force as moment = force × perpendicular distance from the pivot; recall and use this equation
  •  Apply the principle of moments to situations with one force each side of the pivot, including balancing of a beam 
  • State that, when there is no resultant force and no resultant moment, an object is in equilibrium


  • Apply the principle of moments to other situations, including those with more than one force each side of the pivot
  •  Describe an experiment to demonstrate that there is no resultant moment on an object in equilibrium

1.5.3 Centre of gravity


  • State what is meant by centre of gravity
  • Describe an experiment to determine the position of the centre of gravity of an irregularly shaped plane lamina
  •  Describe, qualitatively, the effect of the position of the centre of gravity on the stability of simple objects




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Forces Revision Notes IGCSE Physics

Video  preview of the revision notes for IGCSE Physics , Topic Force, strictly by Cambridge trained experts


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