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Syllabus Objectives

5.2.1 Detection of radioactivity


  • Know what is meant by background radiation
  • Know the sources that make a significant contribution to background radiation including:
  • (a) radon gas (in the air)
  • (b) rocks and buildings
  • (c) food and drink
  • (d) cosmic rays
  •  Know that ionising nuclear radiation can be measured using a detector connected to a counter
  •  Use count rate measured in counts/s or counts/minute Supplement 5 Use measurements of background radiation to determine a corrected count rate

5.2.2 The three types of nuclear emission


  • Describe the emission of radiation from a nucleus as spontaneous and random in direction
  •  Identify alpha (?), beta (?) and gamma (?) emissions from the nucleus by recalling:
  • (a) their nature
  • (b) their relative ionising effects
  • (c) their relative penetrating abilities (?+ are not included, ?-particles will be taken to refer to ?– )


  •  Describe the deflection of ?-particles, ?-particles and ?-radiation in electric fields and magnetic fields
  •  Explain their relative ionising effects with reference to: (a) kinetic energy (b) electric charge5.2.3 Radioactive decay


  • Know that radioactive decay is a change in an unstable nucleus that can result in the emission of ?-particles or ?-particles and/or ?-radiation and know that these changes are spontaneous and random
  •  State that during ?-decay or ?-decay, the nucleus changes to that of a different element


  • Know that isotopes of an element may be radioactive due to an excess of neutrons in the nucleus and/or the nucleus being too heavy
  •  Describe the effect of ?-decay, ?-decay and ?-emissions on the nucleus, including an increase in stability and a reduction in the number of excess neutrons; the following change in the nucleus occurs during ?-emission neutron ? proton + electron
  •  Use decay equations, using nuclide notation, to show the emission of ?-particles, ?-particles and ?-radiation

5.2.4 Half-life


  • Define the half-life of a particular isotope as the time taken for half the nuclei of that isotope in any sample to decay; recall and use this definition in simple calculations, which might involve information in tables or decay curves (calculations will not include background radiation)


  • Calculate half-life from data or decay curves from which background radiation has not been subtracted
  •  Explain how the type of radiation emitted and the half-life of an isotope determine which isotope is used for applications including:
  • (a) household fire
  • (smoke) alarms
  • (b) irradiating food to kill bacteria
  • (c) sterilisation of equipment using gamma rays
  • (d) measuring and controlling thicknesses of materials with the choice of radiations used linked to penetration and absorption
  • (e) diagnosis and treatment of cancer using gamma rays

.5.2.5 Safety precautions


  • State the effects of ionising nuclear radiations on living things, including cell death, mutations and cancer
  •  Describe how radioactive materials are moved, used and stored in a safe way


  • Explain safety precautions for all ionising radiation in terms of reducing exposure time, increasing distance between source and living tissue and using shielding to absorb radiation

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