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Syllabus Objectives

2.3.1 Conduction


  • Describe experiments to demonstrate the properties of good thermal conductors and bad thermal conductors (thermal insulators)


  • Describe thermal conduction in all solids in terms of atomic or molecular lattice vibrations and also in terms of the movement of free (delocalised) electrons in metallic conductors
  • Describe, in terms of particles, why thermal conduction is bad in gases and most liquids
  •  Know that there are many solids that conduct thermal energy better than thermal insulators but do so less well than good thermal conductors

2.3.2 Convection 


  • Know that convection is an important method of thermal energy transfer in liquids and gases
  •  Explain convection in liquids and gases in terms of density changes and describe experiments to illustrate convection


2.3.3 Radiation


  • Know that thermal radiation is infrared radiation and that all objects emit this radiation
  • Know that thermal energy transfer by thermal radiation does not require a medium
  • Describe the effect of surface colour (black or white) and texture (dull or shiny) on the emission, absorption and reflection of infrared radiation


  • Know that for an object to be at a constant temperature it needs to transfer energy away from the object at the same rate that it receives energy
  •  Know what happens to an object if the rate at which it receives energy is less or more than the rate at which it transfers energy away from the object
  •  Know how the temperature of the Earth is affected by factors controlling the balance between incoming radiation and radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface
  • Describe experiments to distinguish between good and bad emitters of infrared radiation
  •  Describe experiments to distinguish between good and bad absorbers of infrared radiation
  •  Describe how the rate of emission of radiation depends on the surface temperature and surface area of an object

2.3.4 Consequences of thermal energy transfer


  • Explain some of the basic everyday applications and consequences of conduction, convection and radiation, including:
  • (a) heating objects such as kitchen pans
  • (b) heating a room by convection


  • Explain some of the complex applications and consequences of conduction, convection and radiation where more than one type of thermal energy transfer is significant, including: (a) a fire burning wood or coal (b) a radiator in a car

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