IGCSE Chemistry Past Papers Topic wise

2023/2024/2025/2026/2027/2028  Topic Questions  + Markscheme+ Videos Covering Complete syllabus + Solved Past Papers available on the following link

IGCSE Chemistry Past Papers  topic wise  

2023/2024/2025/2026/2027/2028  IGCSE Chemistry Topic Questions for the latest/revised syllabus exams are available on our website.


Can you refer to old IGCSE Topic Questions for Chemistry?

The answer is a " No".There have been crucial changes to the IGCSE Chemistry Syllabus for 2023 to 2025 Exams , hence you need to refer to the new  IGCSE  topics and their  content.  You  need to buy them from websites that have updated their topic questions and mark schemes to match the new topics and concepts that are a part of the new syllabus.


With so many websites selling IGCSE Chemistry Topic Questions and Mark schemes, how do you identify those websites that are creating the Best topic Questions and Answers for Chemistry 0620?

Yes, the web is now  full of websites that are selling IGCSE Chemistry Topic Questions and Mark Schemes pdf. And that is a good thing. The more access that you are able to  get to  igcse resources, the easier it becomes for  you and  for schools/ teachers and students to prepare for the  School and Board Exams. But when it comes to  selecting the websites from where you would like to make a purchase, here  are a few things that you " MUST " keep in mind to avoid disappointment  and frustration later.

  1. Relevant to the latest Syllabus:Ensure that the website is selling topic questions as per the latest syllabus. So if you are appearing for 2023/2024/2025 Chemistry Exams  then you must have questions based on the following topics only.
  2. Questions on the smallest Sub-Topics:  Next make sure that the website is offering questions on a large number of smaller topics for               " Multiple Choice" , "Extended Theory "and " Alternative to Practical". Remember, it is easy for website to make topic questions on smaller topics for MCQ's , there is minimal effort involved as compared to creating such detailed resources for " Extended Theory" and " Alternative to  Practical " exam question papers. If you want to check this then look at the sample  topic wise papers available on different websites for a particular topic and compare them with some other website topic questions, in this case our topic  questions for chemistry.  


How are the IGCSE Chemistry Topic Questions  by Smart Exam Resources different  from other websites?

  1. Questions available on smallest of sub-topics for all lessons: We provide questions on the smallest possible topics for all the three papers, namely, Multiple Choice / Extended theory and Alternative to practicals.Here are sampe, topic questions  for Chemistry, 0620 , Extended Curriculum  for the topic " Stoichiometry"
  2. All Questions relevant to the prescribed syllabus:  We create separate resources for new syllabus, as outdated resources are of no use.



While practicing past papers is undeniably valuable, a strategic approach is key to mastering IGCSE Chemistry. Here's a step-by-step guide to optimize your preparation:

  1. Begin with Topic Questions: Before diving into past papers, it's imperative to thoroughly understand the intricacies of each topic. Start by tackling IGCSE Chemistry Topic Questions, focusing on the smallest of topics. This approach allows you to grasp the essential keywords and familiarize yourself with the mark allocation system. By honing in on specific topics, you build a solid foundation for comprehensive understanding.

  2. Understand Mark Allocation: As you delve into topic-based questions, pay close attention to the mark allocation for each question. Understanding how marks are distributed across different questions provides valuable insight into the examiner's expectations. This insight enables you to tailor your responses effectively, maximizing your score potential.

  3. Progress to Past Papers: With a solid understanding of individual topics and mark allocation, transition to solving IGCSE Chemistry Past Papers. Start with papers from previous years and gradually progress to more recent ones. As you approach completion of the syllabus, timing yourself becomes crucial. Set aside dedicated study sessions to simulate exam conditions and practice time management skills.

By following this structured approach, you can enhance your IGCSE Chemistry preparation and boost your confidence for the exam. Remember, while past papers offer invaluable practice, mastering the fundamentals through topic-based questions is the cornerstone of success. And for the most recent papers, always resort to Cambridge's official platform for access. Happy studying!


Overcoming Common Challenges in Acing Your IGCSE Chemistry Board Exams

Preparing for IGCSE board exams in Chemistry can be a daunting task, especially when students rely solely on solving past paper questions. While past papers offer valuable practice, they may not guarantee success in the board exams. Here are some common reasons why solely relying on past papers can make it difficult to ace your exams:

  1. Overemphasis on Past Paper Questions: Many students and tutors focus excessively on solving past paper questions to prepare for progression tests and mock exams. While this approach can help in familiarizing with question formats and vocabulary, it's not a foolproof strategy for success.

  2. False Sense of Security: When students repeatedly encounter familiar questions from past papers in their practice tests, they may develop a false sense of confidence about their readiness for the board exams. However, CAIE doesn't simply recycle questions from past papers but rather designs new and challenging questions.

  3. Lack of Exposure to Unseen Questions: Relying solely on past papers can hinder students' ability to tackle unseen and challenging questions effectively. This leads to nervousness and anxiety during the actual board exams when faced with unfamiliar content.

To overcome these challenges and better prepare for board exams, a more balanced approach is essential. Here's how:

  1. Emphasize Critical Thinking: Encourage students to approach past paper questions as opportunities to develop critical thinking skills rather than mere memorization. Focus on understanding underlying concepts and principles rather than rote learning.

  2. Expose Students to Unseen Questions: Teachers should incorporate unseen questions into practice tests and revision sessions to simulate exam conditions. This helps students develop the confidence and resilience needed to tackle unfamiliar content during the board exams.

  3. Structured Practice: Implement a structured approach where students are exposed to a mix of familiar and unseen questions. For example, students can be given a set of topic questions covering a span of 10 years, with a few questions kept hidden. Later, students attempt the unseen questions to gauge their ability to handle new challenges.

By adopting a more holistic approach to exam preparation, students can develop the skills and confidence needed to excel in their IGCSE Chemistry board exams. While past papers are valuable resources, they should be supplemented with exposure to unseen questions and an emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills.




 Paper 2  [ Multiple Choice Questions]  For  0620 IGCSE Chemistry  and 0971 (9-1) IGCSE Chemistry

  • As  you can see, on our site, topic questions for Chemistry are further divided into approximately 12   sub-topics such as" Formula of ions" , "Writing state symbols" , " Chemical equations", "Finding formula of compounds" , Relative Molecular Mass", " Atomic Mass" , " Finding Concentration", " Molar gas volume" , " Avogadro constant" , Molecular formula, " Empirical Formula", " Calculating moles"
  • Almost all other sites do not give this minute bifurcation

Topic  Stoichiometry:



















3.6.1-Finding-empirical formula-Set-1-ms.pdf

3.6.1-Finding-empirical formula-Set-1-qp.pdf













Paper 4  [ Extended Theory Questions]  For  0620 IGCSE Chemistry  and 0971 (9-1) IGCSE Chemistry

Special Features of IGCSE Chemistry Topic Questions By Smart Exam Resources

  • Largest Number of sub-topics for Paper 2/Paper 4/ Paper 6:  On our site, topic questions for Chemistry  Paper 4 , Extended Theory, are further divided into approximately 15   sub-topics such as" Calculating volume" , "Calculating moles" , " Calculating the number of double bonds", "Calculating concentration" , Stoichiometry Definitions", " Empirical formula" , " Formula of compounds " and many more smaller topics too, such as  Calculating concentration" , " writing Ionic Equations" , " Limiting Reagents" , " Excess Reagents", " Percentage yield", " Relative Formula Mass", " Equations", " Percentage by Mass". The other topic questions that you cannot find here are available as a part of paid membership only.Almost all other sites do not give this minute bifurcation. It tough to create it this way. So please compare the topic questions from other sites and make an informed purchase.
  • Mark Schemes below Questions:Also we give the mark schemes just below the questions.
  • No irrelevant questions present:Look at the image below to understand better. This saves you from disappointment and frustration as you save ink, paper and your valuable time. Note that when you look at the topic questions, do carefully observe the unrelated questions present in the topic questions that you end up  with , from some sites. But when we provide you  with topic questions, we make sure that unrelated questions are not present.Once again compare our worksheets with worksheets form other sites, it will be clear soon!

IGCSE Chemistry Topic  Questions / Paper 4  / Topic Stoichiometry:

3.1-Calculate volume-Set-1-qp-ms.pdf

3.1-Calculate volume-Set-2-qp-ms.pdf

3.1-Calculate volume-Set-3-qp-ms.pdf

3.1-Calculate volume-Set-4-qp-ms.pdf














IGCSE Chemistry Questions and Answers pdf

Paper 2 Multiple Choice Solved Questions:


Paper 4 Extended Theory Solved Questions:


Paper 6 Alternative to Practicals  Solved Questions:



Large number of solved past papers available in IGCSE Chemistry Members area along wth other amazing resources such as Topic Questions/ Video Lessons covering complete syllabus and more. Click to visit the members area



Following links will take you to our  0620 / 0971 (9-1) IGCSE Membership area Actual Resources 


 0620 / 0971 (9-1)IGCSE CHEMISTRY  REVISION NOTES   (2023-2025-2025  Exams - As Per the revised Syllabus


 0620 / 0971 (9-1)_ IGCSE CHEMISTRY  TOPIC QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS PDF Paper 2 / Paper 4/ Paper 6  (2023-2025-2025  Exams - As Per the revised Syllabus


 0620 / 0971 (9-1) IGCSE CHEMISTRY  Video Lectures  (2023-2025-2025  Exams - As Per the revised Syllabus

  0620 / 0971 (9-1) IGCSE CHEMISTRY  Past Papers

Elevate Your IGCSE Chemistry Preparation with Smart Exam Resources

At Smart Exam Resources, we pride ourselves on providing unparalleled support to students preparing for their IGCSE Chemistry exams. Our comprehensive resources offer a detailed listing of topics for IGCSE across all subjects, giving you the edge you need to succeed. Here's why our IGCSE Chemistry topic wise past papers stand out:

  1. Free Topic Wise Past Paper PDFs: Access our free topic wise past paper PDFs to gain insight into the breadth and depth of our resources. These PDFs offer a glimpse into the topics covered, allowing you to gauge the relevance and quality of our materials.

  2. Complete Set of Topic Wise Past Papers: Invest in our resources to unlock a complete set of topic wise past papers meticulously tailored to the latest syllabus for 2023/2024 and beyond. Each paper is meticulously crafted to cover the minutest details as per the syllabus requirements, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all key topics.

  3. Focused on Smallest Possible Topics: Our past papers focus on breaking down complex topics into the smallest possible components, providing targeted practice on specific sub-topics. This approach ensures precision and clarity, allowing you to master each concept with ease.

  4. Relevant Questions Only: Say goodbye to irrelevant questions cluttering your study material. We curate our past papers to include only the most relevant questions, saving you time and effort while ensuring focused preparation.

  5. Efficiency and Sustainability: We understand the importance of conserving resources. That's why our past papers are designed to optimize efficiency by removing unnecessary parts of questions. By eliminating redundant content, we help you save ink, paper, and frustration.

  6. IGCSE Chemistry Solved Past Papers: Gain access to solved past papers meticulously crafted by Cambridge-trained expert teachers. Our solved papers provide step-by-step solutions to past exam questions, offering invaluable insights into problem-solving strategies and exam techniques. With these resources at your fingertips, you can approach your exams with confidence and clarity.

  7. Expert Video Tutorials: Dive deeper into each concept outlined in the syllabus for the 2023/2024, 2025/2026, 2027, and 2028 IGCSE Chemistry exams through our expert video tutorials. Led by experienced educators, these videos cover every aspect of the curriculum, ensuring thorough understanding and mastery of key concepts. Whether you're struggling with a specific topic or seeking additional clarity, our video tutorials provide comprehensive guidance tailored to your needs.

  8. Aligned with Latest Syllabus: Our resources are meticulously aligned with the latest syllabus requirements, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Stay up-to-date with the curriculum changes and exam trends, allowing you to prepare effectively for the challenges ahead.

At Smart Exam Resources, our mission is to empower students with the tools and resources they need to excel in their exams. With our IGCSE Chemistry solved past papers and expert video tutorials, you can take your preparation to the next level and achieve your academic goals.


  1. Don't leave your success to chance. Invest in your future today with Smart Exam Resources. Click on the link to explore our range of resources and kickstart your journey towards academic excellence.

  2. Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Enjoy the flexibility of accessing our resources anytime, anywhere. Whether you prefer studying at home, in the library, or on the go, our online platform offers seamless access to all our materials. With 24/7 availability, you can study at your own pace and convenience.

At Smart Exam Resources, we are committed to empowering students with high-quality study materials that facilitate effective exam preparation. Trust us to provide you with the tools and guidance you need to excel in your IGCSE Chemistry exams.

Take the next step towards success by purchasing our resources today. Click on the image above to access a complete set of topic wise past papers for IGCSE Chemistry and embark on your journey to academic excellence.

Thank you for choosing Smart Exam Resources.



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Team ,

Smart Exam Resources